Frugality is a Spectrum

How frugal am I?

I routinely browse /r/frugalmalefashion, a subreddit dedicated to deals for men’s fashion items. I’ve check this sub daily in case there’s an article of clothing I have a need for at a low price. I scored a pair of Clark’s Chukka boots for $50 bucks a couple years ago, and also found a pack of five solid color T-shirts for 16 dollars last summer that are still going strong. My frequency of purchases via /r/frugalmalefashion is low. But, it helps to have a frame of reference when a “STEAL ALERT” is posted.

In the wake of my newfound motivation for reducing my spending and becoming more frugal, I subscribed to /r/frugal and /r/financialindependence and signed up for the Mr. Money Mustache forums a few months ago. These boards are a stark contrast to the swanky style and trend-chasing of the typical /r/frugalmalefashion content. In fact, many of the posts on these forums are too hard-core for my tastes. Where is the middle ground?

Two months ago I thought I was a frugal person. Ever since learning the word frugal, I’ve felt it applied to me. Yet now I find myself sitting in my apartment with the air conditioning turned off and windows open even though it’s 75 degrees inside. I just switched to a cheaper phone plan and a more basic phone. I’ve started wearing my clothes more than once to save money on doing laundry instead of mindlessly throwing my shirts in the hamper when they still smell like our detergent. I’m barely eating out more than once a month now. Relative to Quinn of the past, I’ve made some drastic changes.

Staunch penny-pinchers could still criticize my spending habits and lifestyle right now. And that’s perfectly fine. Frugality is a spectrum, not a dichotomy. While some might seek frugality for the sake of frugality, I’m seeking to improve my quality of life first.

But there’s another side to this spectrum: excessive spending. This is where the majority of what we see portrayed in the media and advertising tells should be our goal. I definitely don’t want this either.

“The affluence that surrounds us has been called the American Dream, and with good reason: We’ve been asleep. We wake up by questioning the dream.” – Vicki Robin – Your Money Or Your Life.


To that end, I’m also changing my definition of happiness when it comes to my lifestyle. Or at least, drawing some lines in the sand of where happiness is defined in my life. I’m not letting the American Dream or the highly materialistic culture orient my goals anymore.

My Frugality Spectrum
My frugality spectrum

So where on the frugality spectrum do I fall? Relative to Quinn of the past (right side), more frugal. My sweet spot/target is left of Frugal but not by much. Ideally, I’ll keep moving that direction as my wife and I continue to reorient our values towards what truly provides a benefit to our lives.

Our goal is to spend our time, money, and mental effort only on the things that we truly value. The fun part is taking small steps towards that goal by being frugal.

Are you a frugal person by nature, or does it take extra effort?

From my mind to yours,


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